Individual Box Braids Curled with Rollers : Off-Black with a little bit of Burgundy Highlights.
Hair Braider in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Book your Hair Braiding appointment with Izey – ? (702) 907-4939
Photo by IzeyHair in Las Vegas, NV
I used Xpressions Braiding Hair.
The braids were wrapped in flexible rollers (flexi rods) and dipped in hot water.
Braid Care: Can you wash your hair with braids?
Yes you can! Be careful with the scalp. Rub and pat the scalp. Do not scrub with your finger nails. Rinse thoroughly. You do not want shampoo or any cleansing products stuck in the braids. You must apply an alcohol-free oil and moisturizer to the scalp and braids after washing.
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